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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

AT&T’s HBO Max Deal Was Never Free

When it launched HBO Max, AT&T also announced that usage of the service would not count against the data caps of its customers, a practice known as “zero-rating.” This means that people on limited data plans could watch as much HBO Max content as they wished without incurring overage fees...

An Antitrust Exemption for News Media Won’t Take Us Back to the Time Before Big Tech

Something is rotten online. Facebook and Google dominate the market on online advertising, depleting the resources needed by any other company reliant on serving digital content. For news media, the confluence of an increasingly digital world with Google and Facebook’s siphoning of online advertising revenue has been catastrophic. Unfortunately, giving...

Digital Markets Act: What’s in it for citizens?

There is a change of Internet rules coming to Europe: Two very important pieces of legislation—the Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act—will bring much -needed change to the online sphere. At an EU Parliament event, EFF Special Advisor Cory Doctorow will explain EFF's perspective on the ongoing reform process...

The Untold Story of SOPA/PIPA

In January of 2012, an unprecedented coordinated protest took place online in opposition to two federal bills, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA). More than 115,000 websites published protest content or even completely shut down for the day in...

EFF’s Crowd-Sourced Atlas of Surveillance Project Honored with Award for Advancing Public’s Right to Know About Police Spying

SAN FRANCISCO—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is pleased to announce it has received the James Madison Freedom of Information Award for Electronic Access for its groundbreaking, crowd-sourced Atlas of Surveillance, the largest-ever collection of searchable data on the use of surveillance technologies by law enforcement agencies across the...

Cindy Cohn at Priv8

Join EFF's Cindy Cohn at Priv8, the virtual privacy summit. Cindy will moderate Edward Snowden's keynote address How to Fix a Broken Internet.The summit runs from March 23-25, and will feature keynotes from all fronts of the privacy war. The conference will shine a light on the battle-lines drawn between...


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