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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog


Privacy Advisory Commissions

What is a privacy advisory commission? What types of privacy issues does it address? Who does it advise? How does it work? Should Portland have one?
PyCon US 2021

EFF at PyCon 2021

EFF is excited to be a part of PyCon US 2021, put on by the Python Software Foundation! If you're interested in learning about the Python programming language, this is the event for you.You can also stop by and say hi to EFF! We'll be at one of the...

EFF Partners with DuckDuckGo to Enhance Secure Browsing and Protect User Information on the Web

San Francisco, California—Boosting protection of Internet users’ personal data from snooping advertisers and third-party trackers, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today announced it has enhanced its groundbreaking HTTPS Everywhere browser extension by incorporating rulesets from DuckDuckGo Smarter Encryption.The partnership represents the next step in the...

An image of a house receiving fast, reliable internet from underground fiber cables.

Congress, Don’t Let ISP Lobbyists Sabotage Fiber for All

For the first time an American president has proposed a plan that wouldn’t just make a dent in the digital divide, it will end it. By deploying federal resources at the level and scale this country has not seen since electrification nearly 100 years ago, the U.S. will again connect...

Cindy Cohn at COLLISION Conference 2021

Join EFF's Cindy Cohn at COLLISION Conference 2021, the "Olympics of Tech".The Law of CyberspaceSuper Fireside ChatApril 20 at 9:55amCindy will join Professor Scott Shapiro and reporter Joseph Menn to discuss The Law of Cyberspace.The internet has been likened to the wild west – lawless and disruptive. In this session,...

Supreme Court

Why EFF Supports Repeal of Qualified Immunity

Our digital rights are only as strong as our power to enforce them. But when we sue government officials for violating our digital rights, they often get away with it because of a dangerous legal doctrine called “qualified immunity.” Do you think you have a First Amendment right to use...


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