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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

SXSW: The Perils of De-Platforming

When Twitter made the decision to de-platform Donald Trump, it was, according to Twitter, to mitigate “the risk of further incitement of violence.” Since then, a wide range of technology companies and platforms have restricted or removed speakers they’ve deemed dangerous. The practice is praised by some, criticized by others...

Washington: Everyone Deserves Reliable Internet

The coronavirus pandemic, its related stay-at-home orders, and its economic and social impacts have illustrated how important robust broadband service is to everything from home-based work to education. Yet, even now, many communities across America have been unable to meet their residents’ telecommunication needs. This is because of two problems:...

Cindy Cohn at Data Future Lab

Join EFF's Cindy Cohn at the latest in NYU Tandon Data Future Lab’s free virtual 90-Minute Tech series.Over the past decade, “authoritarian” has become synonymous with facial recognition, surveillance, police robots, social media giants, and more. Now, it’s becoming a booming industry. What is the scope and impact of AI...

Why You Can’t Sue Your Broadband Monopoly

The relationship between the federal judiciary and the executive agencies is a complex one. While Congress makes the laws, they can grant the agencies rulemaking authority to interpret the law. So long as the agency’s interpretation of any ambiguous language in the statute is reasonable, the courts will defer to...
A woman being watched behind a one-way mirror

Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea

Update, April 9, 2021 : We've launched Am I FLoCed, a new site that will tell you whether your Chrome browser has been turned into a guinea pig for Federated Learning of Cohorts or FLoC, Google’s latest targeted advertising experiment. The third-party cookie is dying, and Google is trying...


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