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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF at BSidesSF 2021

EFF is proud to be a part of the first-ever virtual BSidesSF, a conference dedicated to advancing the body of Information Security knowledge.This year's BSidesSF is focused on the theme of recharging. In following that spirit, the event will feature highlights from past events and even some new sessions....

The CASE Act: What's Next?

EFF Senior Staff Attorney Mitch Stoltz will speak on a panel hosted by the San Francisco Intellectual Property Law Association (SFIPLA) about the implementation and impact of the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2020 (CASE Act). This new legislation means Internet users could face up to...

A warning sign with a picture of a troll says "do not feed the troll"

EFF to Patent Office: No New Design Patents

Design is incredibly important to how people use and choose products, but design patents are not. They provide exclusive rights only to ornamental product features, which by definition are not useful or artistic; for those that are, utility patent and copyright protection exist instead. As we’ve said before, we...


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