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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

2021 San Francisco Public Library Tech Week

San Francisco Tech Week: Avoid Scams and Spies

Learn about common internet scams and privacy invasions – and how to protect yourself while using your device or going online. Staff from Electronic Frontier Foundation also explore free tools from Electronic Frontier Foundation to give yourself an online privacy tune-up.San Francisco Tech Week: Avoid Scams and SpiesWednesday, May 11,...

LISA21 Logo

Usenix LISA21

EFF is proud to support LISA21, a computer conference by USENIX geared towards connecting professionals who make computing work efficiently across industries. More about USENIX LISA21: LISA is the premier conference for operations professionals, where sysadmins, systems engineers, IT operations professionals, SRE practitioners, developers, IT managers, and academic researchers...

Bristol Ideas

EFF's Jillian C. York in conversation with writer Maria Farrell on the topic: "What is the Future of Free Speech on the Internet?"

PBS Crosscut Festival

EFF Director for International Freedom of Expression Jillian York will speak on a panel entitled "Big Social and the Age of Disinformation."

electronic frontier alliance logo

Cypurr Session: Mobile Security

Spring! Time for life to bloom anew. After quite a winter indoors, there are a lot of people looking to celebrate the season by hitting the street, advocating for causes and ideals they believe in. Join Cypurr as we talk things to be aware of for those on the street...


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