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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

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Deeplinks Blog

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European Court on Human Rights Bought Spy Agencies’ Spin on Mass Surveillance

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Grand Chamber this week affirmed what we’ve long known, that the United Kingdom’s mass surveillance regime, which involved the indiscriminate and suspicionless interception of people’s communications, violated basic human rights to privacy and free expression. We applaud the Strasbourg-based ...

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Activists Mobilize to Fight Censorship and Save Open Science

Major publishers want to censor research-sharing resource Sci-Hub from the internet, but archivists quickly respond to make that impossible. More than half of academic publishing is controlled by major publishers using burdensome paywalls. One project in particular, Sci-Hub, has threatened to break down this barrier by sharing articles without restriction...

EFF Sues Police Standards Agency to Obtain Use of Force Training Materials

Woodland, California—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) sued the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) to obtain materials showing how police are trained in the use of force, after the organization cited third-party copyright interests to illegally withhold them from the public.The lawsuit, filed under California’s Public Records...

Fighting Disciplinary Technologies

An expanding category of software, apps, and devices is normalizing cradle-to-grave surveillance in more and more aspects of everyday life. At EFF we call them “disciplinary technologies.” They typically show up in the areas of life where surveillance is most accepted and where power imbalances are the norm: in our...

Article 17 Copyright Directive Expert Panel at TILTing 2021 conference

At present, IP law is beset with a spate of upheavals originating both from within the system as well as from without. Contemporary political, social and economic exigencies are leading to radical changes in the way IP rights are negotiated, litigated and enforced.At the TILTing 2021 conference, EFF's International Policy...


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