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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

A cat shown writing a program to hack into a can of cat food.

Van Buren is a Victory Against Overbroad Interpretations of the CFAA, and Protects Security Researchers

The Supreme Court’s Van Buren decision today overturned a dangerous precedent and clarified the notoriously ambiguous meaning of “exceeding authorized access” in the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the federal computer crime law that’s been misused to prosecute beneficial and important online activity. The decision is a victory...

A bustling digital town square

Organizing in the Public Interest: MusicBrainz

This blog post is part of a series, looking at the public interest internet—the parts of the internet that don’t garner the headlines of Facebook or Google, but quietly provide public goods and useful services without requiring the scale or the business practices of the tech giants. Read our ...

The logo of the Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays.

Privacy Workshop Series: Part I - What the Internet Knows about Us

In this session, AJ Rice will provide a broad overview of what the internet knows about us, how companies and governments track us, and why they track us. The session will cover what data specific companies and industries collect about us, how they obtain the data with or without our...

Decriminalize, Dismantle, & Erase the Database

This summit will bring together advocates and candidates for city-wide elections to discuss the harms of surveillance and gang policing in New York City and the fight for racial justice and true safety. We will hear from community and youth leaders, legal experts, impacted NYers, advocates and candidates for offices.


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