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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Tracking Global Online Censorship: What EFF Is Doing Next

As the world stays home to slow the spread of COVID-19, communities are rapidly transitioning to digital meeting spaces. This highlights a trend EFF has tracked for years: discussions in virtual spaces shape and reflect societal freedoms, and censorship online replicates repression offline. As most of us spend increasing amounts...

BLM protestors hold phones and bullhorns up

A Year of Action in Support of the Black-Led Movement Against Police Violence and Racism

“Black lives matter on the streets. Black lives matter on the internet.” A year ago, EFF’s Executive Director, Cindy Cohn, shared these words in EFF's statement about the police killings of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. Cindy spoke for all of us in committing EFF to redouble its efforts...

The logo of Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays.

Privacy Workshop Series: Part III - How do we fix privacy?

In this session, AJ Rice will discuss what governments should and shouldn’t do to protect our privacy, evaluating good regulations and bad ones. Rice will also discuss managing trade-offs and what steps we can take individually and collectively to better protect our privacy, as well as provide some privacy-focused tech...


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