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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

The Foiles text on a red and orange sunburst background

The Foilies 2023

The Foilies are our annual tongue-in-cheek “awards” for agencies and officials that thwart the public's right to government information or otherwise respond outrageously to requests for documents and records. Each year, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and MuckRock News, in partnership with the Association of Alternative Newsmedia, publish this list of...

El Tribunal de Apelación mantiene la restricción del derecho de Twitter a publicar un informe sobre la transparencia de la seguridad nacional en virtud de la Primera Enmienda.

Una sentencia del Tribunal de Apelación del Noveno Circuito dictada a principios de esta semana marca un nuevo mínimo en la deferencia judicial hacia la clasificación y la seguridad nacional, incluso en contra del derecho casi inviolable de la Primera Enmienda a estar libre de restricciones previas contra la expresión....

A letter behind bars inside a spying eye

A.B.O Comix, et al. v. San Mateo County

In 2021, San Mateo County banned anyone incarcerated in its jails from receiving any physical mail other than attorney communications. Under this new policy, the senders of mail must route their letters to Smart Communications, a private for-profit company, which scans and then destroys the physical copy. The digital copy...


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