The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.
This week, the genetic testing company 23andMe filed for bankruptcy, which means the genetic data the company collected on millions of users is now up for sale. If you don't want your data included in any potential sale, it’s a good time to ask the company to delete it.
Every time you browse the web, you're being tracked. That’s why EFF created Privacy Badger, a free, open source browser extension used by millions to fight corporate surveillance and take back control of their data.
In recent years we have worked to expand our efforts in Europe, building up a policy team with key expertise in the region, and bringing our experience in advocacy and technology to the European fight for digital rights.
Surveillance Self-Defense
Surveillance Self-Defense is EFF's online guide to defending yourself and your friends from surveillance by using secure technology and developing careful practices.
Digital Rights Bytes
Get honest answers to the questions that have been bugging you about technology.