More than seven years after Congress mandated it and EFF sued to pry them loose, the government released seven heavily-redacted but previously classified rulings from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that shed new light on how the secret court interprets key provisions of the laws that authorize mass surveillance....
Right now, Americans live in a country where the companies that control our access to the internet face little-to-no oversight. In most states, these companies can throttle your service—or that of, say, a fire department fighting the largest wildfire in state history. They can block a service they don’t...
Los mensajes privados, los archivos y las fotos de los usuarios de Internet son examinados cada vez más por las empresas tecnológicas, que cotejan los datos con las bases de datos gubernamentales. Aunque no se trata de una práctica nueva, se está diciendo al público que este escaneo masivo debe...
Join Veridiana Alimonti, EFF’s Associate Director for Latin American Policy, in the online conversation about Internet blocking and the changes it has undergone since February 2022. The panel is part of the activities of Guatemala’s Internet Governance Forum, and will gather representatives from companies, government, and the technical community.Fred Clark...
Join EFF’s Associate Director for Latin American Policy, Veridiana Alimonti, at the VI International Conference on Fundamental Rights and Criminal Procedure in the Digital Age, promoted by InternetLab with the institutional support of the Law School of the University of São Paulo (FDUSP).Veridiana will speak in the panel Cybercrime Conventions...
Hoy en día, la gran mayoría de los sitios web y correos electrónicos que usted encuentra contienen alguna forma de seguimiento. Las cookies de terceros permiten a los anunciantes seguirle por la web; los píxeles de seguimiento de los correos electrónicos confirman si los ha abierto; los enlaces de seguimiento...
A recently introduced patent bill would authorize patents on abstract ideas just for including computer jargon, and would even legalize the patenting of human genes. EFF wants you to take action against this bill.
When legal issues light up the Internet, people turn to EFF for answers. Whether it’s attacks on coders' rights, overreaching copyright claims online, or governments' efforts to censor or spy on people, we are often among the first to hear about troubling events online, and we're frequently the first place...
The ease with which bad actors can find a worldwide market for malicious apps that spy on people’s digital devices is at the center of an Australian Federal Police case against a man who, starting at the age of 15, wrote a stalkerware application and sold it to 14,500 people...
Even if you think that online intermediaries should be more proactive in detecting, deprioritizing, or removing certain user speech, the requirements on intermediaries to review all content before publication—often called “general monitoring” or “upload filtering”—raises serious human rights concerns, both for freedom of expression and for privacy.General monitoring is problematic...
SAN FRANCISCO–San Francisco police violated the city’s surveillance technology law by tapping into a private surveillance camera network to spy on demonstrators protesting the 2020 police murder of George Floyd, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California (ACLU) told a state appeals court...
EFF members come from all over the world to DEF CON to experience the world’s largest computer hacking conference and enjoy what Las Vegas has to offer. This year some of EFF’s supporters combined their love for internet freedom and a good time by competing in the first...
Government involvement in content moderation raises serious human rights concerns in every context, and these concerns are further troubling when the involvement originates with law enforcement. We recently filed a comment with the Meta Oversight Board urging it to treat this issue seriously.Update 11/23: EFF welcomes the Oversight Board’s...