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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Broadband Communities Summit 2021: Bills, Bills, Bills … and Getting Them Passed

The Broadband Communities Summit is the leading event for community leaders, multifamily property owners and network builders and deployers interested in the building, managing, marketing and monetizing of high-speed broadband technologies and services. It is focused on the successful delivery of high-speed broadband networks to communities – from multifamily properties...

EFF Members can get free or discounted tickets to All Things Open!

EFF at All Things Open 2021

EFF is excited to be a part of this year's All Things Open, the largest open technology event on the U.S. East Coast.All Things Open 2021 will feature in-person programming that takes place at The Raleigh Convention Center with 15+ tracks and nearly 100 speakers. The virtual portion of...

How California’s Broadband Infrastructure Law Promotes Local Choice

The legislative session has ended and Governor Newsom is expected to sign into law S.B. 4 and A.B. 14, bills that stand as the final piece of the state’s new broadband infrastructure program. With a now- estimated $7.5 billion assembled between federal and state funds, California has the resources it...
A giant robot hand holds a monkey wrench, a human is jumping for it.

No, Tech Monopolies Don’t Serve National Security

In what appears to be a “throw spaghetti on the wall approach” to stopping antitrust reform targeting Big Tech, a few Members of Congress and a range of former military and intelligence officials wrote a letter asserting that these companies need to be protected for national security. It’s a spurious...

Lecciones de la historia: Afganistán y las peligrosas secuelas de la identificación de datos

Cuando Estados Unidos retiró sus tropas de Afganistán tras 20 años de ocupación, los subproductos del prolongado despliegue adquirieron un nuevo significado y representaron un nuevo capítulo de peligro para el pueblo afgano. Durante dos décadas, Estados Unidos encabezó la recopilación de información sobre los afganos, tanto por motivos burocráticos...

EFF and Allies Urge Council of Europe to Add Strong Human Rights Safeguards Before Final Adoption of Flawed Cross Border Surveillance Treaty

EFF, European Digital Rights (EDRi), the Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy & Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC), and other civil society organizations have worked closely on recommendations to strengthen human rights protections in a flawed international cross border police surveillance treaty drafted by the Council of Europe (CoE). At a virtual hearing...

OCYD September General Meeting: Digital Privacy and Cybersecurity

Be sure to join Orange County Young Democrats, with guest speaker EFF Associate Director of Policy and Activism Katharine Trendacosta, for their September General Meeting next Wednesday, September 15! We will discuss digital privacy, cybersecurity, and how you can stay protected in this new digital world.

Ethics in Tech - A Conversation with Eva Galperin

From the moment you wake up and check your messages on Facebook or Twitter, to when you set your Google Nest for the night, tech giants wield unprecedented influence over our daily lives. With this enormous power comes an enormous potential for abuse. The information economy has led to profound...

Locational Privacy Urban

Las órdenes de geovallado amenazan las libertades civiles y los derechos de libertad de expresión en Kenosha y en todo el país

En los días siguientes al tiroteo policial de Jacob Blake el 23 de agosto de 2020, cientos de manifestantes marcharon por las calles de Kenosha, Wisconsin. Resulta que las fuerzas del orden federales recogieron datos de localización de muchos de esos manifestantes. La Oficina de Alcohol, Tabaco y Armas...


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