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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

A closeup drawing of a fiber cable, with rainbow colors

A Universal Gigabit Future Depends on Open Access Fiber

Being a full participant in the world will eventually depend on access to gigabits of broadband capacity. That capacity will depend on fiber optics. Over the years, EFF has researched and advocated for policy changes at the local, state, and federal levels—all towards the goal of delivering universal fiber to...

Open Access Fiber Networks Will Bring Much-Needed High-Speed Internet Service and Competition to Communities More Efficiently and Economically: Report

San Francisco—Public investments in open access fiber networks, instead of more subsidies for broadband carriers, will bring high-speed internet on a more cost-efficient basis to millions of Americans and create an infrastructure that can handle internet growth for decades, according to a new report.Commissioned by EFF, “Wholesale Fiber is...

The angular outline of three faces as a computer might see them, colored like a rainbow

Resistir la amenaza del reconocimiento facial

La tecnología de reconocimiento facial es una amenaza especial para la privacidad, la justicia racial, la libre expresión y la seguridad de la información. Nuestros rostros son identificadores únicos, y la mayoría de nosotros los exponemos allá donde vamos. Y, a diferencia de nuestras contraseñas y números de identificación, no...

The Future of Your Online Privacy

EFF's Andrés Arrieta and Dave Maass will discuss their work as part of "The Future of Your Online Privacy - Hybrid Seminar Series," put on by the Graduate Student Association at the University of Nevada Reno. The series runs Nov. 1-4, with seminars at 12pm - 1pm (Pacific Time) each...

An abstract rube-goldberg machine with references to innovation and open culture

¿Qué pasa con la competencia digital internacional?

La defensa de la competencia no ha tenido su mejor momento desde la disolución de la Standard Oil en 1911. Pero este último año, los responsables políticos y gubernamentales de todo el mundo han mirado con lupa los mercados tecnológicos. El lema antimonopolio más reciente es "Acabar con las grandes...
The logo of the Electronic Frontier Alliance.

S.T.O.P. x RadTech: Worker Surveillance in the Age of COVID

In this session, we’ll examine the expansion of and resistance against both remote and in-person worker surveillance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Spying on workers is nothing new in American history, but the rise of remote work has led to unprecedented use of invasive employee monitoring software, such as facial recognition...


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