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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF at Tech & Society Summit

EFF and its global digital rights partners are co-hosting the Tech & Society Summit in Brussels, a day-long conference where civil society organizations will gather with academics, activists, and recently elected EU decision-makers to discuss the impact of the "Brussels effect" on pressing technology policy and regulatory issues. EFF International...

Mobile ID digital license

Digital ID Isn't for Everybody, and That's Okay

How many times do you pull out your driver’s license a week? Maybe two to four times to purchase age restricted items, pick up prescriptions, or go to a bar. If you get a mobile driver’s license (mDL) or other forms of digital identification (ID) being offered in Google and...

hands with circuit patterns on black background

Los llamamientos para suprimir la Ley de Ciberdelincuencia de Jordania se hacen eco de los llamamientos para rechazar el Tratado sobre Ciberdelincuencia

En varios países del mundo, las comunidades -y en particular las que ya son vulnerables- se ven amenazadas por una legislación expansiva sobre ciberdelincuencia y vigilancia. Uno de esos países es Jordania, donde una ley de ciberdelincuencia promulgada en 2023 se ha utilizado contra personas LGBTQ+, periodistas, defensores de los...

EFF to Federal Trial Court: Section 230’s Little-Known Third Immunity for User-Empowerment Tools Covers Unfollow Everything 2.0

Update: In a written order on November 22, 2024, the district court judge granted Meta's motion to dismiss without prejudice, meaning that Prof. Zuckerman may refile his case at a later date. The judge ruled that the case wasn't ripe for consideration because Prof. Zuckerman hasn't built the Unfollow...


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