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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Victoria para la transparencia gubernamental y el derecho a la intimidad de los inmigrantes en el Segundo Circuito Judicial

La becaria Reema Moussa ha contribuido a este artículo.A medida que las agencias gubernamentales utilizan cada vez más herramientas digitales para rastrear a ciudadanos e inmigrantes, necesitamos utilizar la Ley de Libertad de Información (FOIA) para que esa vigilancia sea transparente. Pero mientras el gobierno abre sus bases de datos...

EFF at Black Hat USA

EFF is once again excited to be in Las Vegas, NV for Black Hat USA! Be sure to stop by our booth on Black Hat Boulevard (more location info to come) to learn about the work we are doing to defend digital freedoms. You can even start or renew...

Podcast Episode: The Right to Imagine Your Own Future

Too often we let the rich and powerful dictate what technology’s future will be, from Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse to Elon Musk’s neural implants. But what if we all were empowered to use our voices and perspectives to imagine a better world in which we all can thrive while creating and...
3 squares hover over a map, seemingly looking for crime hot spots

Cómo luchamos y ganamos el acceso a los registros sobre la policía predictiva en una ciudad mexicana

Lo que empezó con una simple solicitud de registros públicos se transformó en un viaje a las absurdas profundidades de la burocracia mexicana. Pero salimos victoriosos y aprendimos mucho sobre cómo una ciudad experimentó con una peligrosa herramienta de vigilancia. La presentación de solicitudes de registros públicos para obtener información...

Open Source 101

EFF is proud to support this year's Open Source 101, hosted by a team at All Things Open! Open Source 101 is a one-day conference with the purpose of educating attendees on topics and technologies considered foundational to open source. The conference will feature sessions and workshops on 30...

Locational Privacy

EFF Backs California Bill to Protect People Seeking Abortion and Gender-Affirming Care from Dragnet Digital Surveillance

EFF proudly joins ACLU California Action and If/When/How to co-sponsor new California legislation to protect people seeking abortion and gender-affirming care from dragnet-style digital surveillance. A coalition of more than 25 reproductive justice, civil liberties, and privacy groups are supporting the bill at introduction. Support A.B. 793Stop All Digital...


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