In answer to that question, I composed the ditty below, inspired by my recent trip to Defcon. Ahem:

Lawyers, Geeks, and Money
(With apologies to Warren Zevon).

Well, I hacked into the Cisco
The way I always do
How was I to know
They'd call in CCIPS, too

I was talking at Black Hat
I took a little risk
Send lawyers, geeks, and money.
Jen, get me out of this

I'm the innocent bystander
Somehow I got stuck
Between the feds and Cisco
And I'm down on my luck
And I'm down on my luck
And I'm down on my luck

Now I'm pwned by the injunction
I'm a desperate geek
Send lawyers, geeks, and money.
A hacker up the creek

Send lawyers, geeks, and money.

Any relationship between this post and real life is merely coincidental. After all, who would really try to suppress open and honest discussion about a security flaw through legal action?
