Erica Portnoy, EFF Senior Staff Technologist, regularly writes and speaks about encryption, including explaining what people need from secure messaging providers. This is why she has been the lead technologist in our recent fight against Apple’s plans to introduce client-side scanning to their products.
In this Insider Briefing, Erica explains why we took on one of the largest companies in the world, and how we caused Apple to begin re-thinking this move.
In August, Apple announced they would install photo and message scanning software on their devices. For years, various governments have been asking for a way around Apple’s encryption, and Apple caved to the pressure, putting our privacy and security at risk. In response, EFF launched a comprehensive campaign with blog posts, news articles, a petition, protests across the country, and even a plane flying over Apple’s headquarters. This campaign has led to Apple pausing the rollout of these features.
Watch our newest edition of EFF’s Insider Briefing to learn more about why it was so important to fight against Apple’s plans.

[1] EFF Apple Campaign HQ
[2] Apple's Plan to "Think Different" About Encryption Opens a Backdoor to Your Private Life
[3] VIDEO: Perspectives on Encryption and Child Safety