Happy New Year! We’re so grateful to all of our donors for supporting our work in 2021, and standing by our side as we step into 2022.
For this Insider Briefing, 7 EFF staffers share their gratitude for our supporters and explain what they’re excited to work on in this new year of possibility. The topics range from right to repair, encrypting the web, broadband for all, transparent content moderation, and more. All of these issues have the potential to see great gains this year, and our lawyers, activists, and technologists are ready to dive in!

[1] 2021 Year in Review: What We’ve Accomplished This Year
[2] Right to Repair: Apple’s Self Service Repair Program Must Live Up To Its Promises
[3] 2021 Year-In-Review: We Encrypted the Web
[4] AlHathloul v. DarkMatter: Saudi Human Rights Activist, Represented by EFF, Sues Spyware Maker DarkMatter For Violating U.S. Anti-Hacking and International Human Rights Laws
[5] 2021 Year in Review: Every State Has a Chance to Deliver a “Fiber for All” Broadband Future
[6] EFF, Partners Launch New Edition of Santa Clara Principles, Adding Standards Aimed at Governments and Expanding Appeal Guidelines