A new year brings many people hope for a clean slate and the chance to start over. But at EFF, it’s a reminder that every new year creates new opportunities to build a better future for internet users.
Please enjoy Insider Briefing #8, our New Year’s edition that starts with a message from our Executive Director, Cindy Cohn. She shares recent victories and talks about upcoming EFF projects. She’s followed by a handful of EFF staff, all sharing what they’re excited to work on this year.
Each court case that EFF fights, each line of code that we write, and each policy discussion that we lead is in service of your digital rights. EFF couldn’t do any of this without your generosity and your partnership in our mission. Thank you.

[1] VICTORY! Apple Commits to Encrypting iCloud, Drops Phone-Scanning Plans
[2] VICTORY! San Francisco Bans Killer Robots…For Now
[3] VICTORY! Judge’s Critical Investigation of Patent Troll Companies Can Move Forward
[4] Fighting for the Digital Future of Books
[5] Network Usage Fees Will Harm European Consumers and Businesses
[6] Hollywood’s Insistence on New Draconian Copyright Rules Is Not About Protecting Artists
[7] Leaving Twitter's Walled Garden
[8] EFF and Partners Call Out Threats to Free Expression in Draft Text as UN Cybersecurity Treaty Negotiations Resume