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Deeplinks Blog

Music Industry Must Respect Privacy of Accused Music Sharers

Saint Louis, Missouri - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and 21 other consumer and privacy groups today sided with Charter Communications, Inc., in its struggle to protect customer privacy.
The groups urged a federal court to prevent the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) from forcing Internet Service Provider...

Betamax was a steppingstone

The mp3 generation may not remember it, but 20 years ago, Hollywood fell just one vote short of winning a ban on the VCR. This month marks the 20th anniversary of the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision in Universal City Studios v. Sony, the case where two movie studios asked the...

EFF Secures Protection for ReplayTV Clients

A federal court today ruled to end a case brought by five ReplayTV digital video recorder (DVR) owners after 28 entertainment companies promised not to sue them for copyright infringement for using the "commercial advance" or "send show" features of their DVRs.
"Skipping commercials is not illegal and neither...

DVDCCA Surrenders in Bunner DVD Descrambling Case

In a surprising retreat today, the consortium of entertainment and technology companies known as DVD CCA has attempted to summarily dismiss a lawsuit against Andrew Bunner, a republisher of a computer program that was created to allow movie lovers to play their DVDs on computers that run the Linux operating...

RIAA Announces "John Doe" Suits Against Filesharers

"While it's an improvement that the record indsutry now has to play by the same rules as everyone else who goes into court, they are still heading in the wrong direction" noted Cindy Cohn, EFF's Legal Director. "There is a better way. The recording industry should be giving America's millions...

Recording Industry Announces Lawsuits Against Music Sharers

San Francisco - Continuing a crusade against its own
customers, the recording industry today announced lawsuits
against more than five hundred individuals accused of
illegal filesharing.
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)
announced it would seek the identity of "John Does" known by

ReplayTV Users Seek Class Action in "Digital Betamax" Case

A group of ReplayTV owners will ask a court on Monday to allow all owners of ReplayTV digital video recorders to join an ongoing lawsuit to protect consumers' rights to skip over television commercials and send recorded programs from one digital device to another.
Date: Monday, January 12, 2004

Johansen Acquittal Final

The Norwegian authorities have decided not to appeal the aquittal of Jon Johansen to the Norwegian Supreme Court. Johansen was prosecuted for his role in the creation of DeCSS software that decrypts DVDs so that they can be played on computers running the Linux operating system. "The prosecution of Johansen...

EFF on Pew Downloading Report

The Pew Internet and American Life Project today issued a report suggesting that use of peer-to-peer networks for downloading music has fallen in the wake of the recording industry's lawsuit campaign. "While the RIAA's crusade may have discouraged some downloaders, today's Pew study shows that 1 in every 7...

Forest Service Drops Plans to Ignore Public Voice

"Allowing ordinary people to influence the rules that affect their lives through website 'action centers' is one of the best benefits of the technology revolution," said EFF Legal Director Cindy Cohn. "The Forest Service is right to listen to the opposition presented by a broad coalition of groups, led by...

RIAA Hires Head of ATF for Piracy Enforcement

The RIAA announced yesterday that they have hired Bradley A. Buckles, director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), to head up their anti-piracy unit. "This is just another example of the RIAA's ongoing plan to treat American consumers like criminals instead of customers," said EFF...


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