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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

The angular outline of three faces as a computer might see them, colored like a rainbow

Victory! to Drop Facial Recognition Requirement for Government Services

First, the Internal Revenue Service reversed course from its recent announcement that it was partnering with, a third-party identity verification service, to use facial recognition for verification of users managing many aspects of their taxes online. Now,—which provides identity verification services for dozens of government agencies—says...

Ohio: Don’t Give Big Tech a Pass On Privacy

Ohio lawmakers are giving big tech companies a gift in the form of the Ohio Personal Privacy Act. This law purports to strike a balance between consumer protection and company demands. Instead, it stacks the deck even further against individuals who want to protect their privacy.The OPPA would enshrine privacy...

Fair February 2022: Data Science & Social Justice

Fair February 2022: Data Science & Social JusticeFair February is an interdepartmental, three-week symposium hosted annually by the Data Science Initiative. Our goal is to bring together researchers from different areas of expertise to discuss issues with computation and society. On Thursday, February 10, EFF Legislative Activist Hayley Tsukayama will...

Senate Commerce Committee is Letting Big Telecom Hamstring the FCC

Six months have passed since the Biden Administration signed an Executive Order to restore Net Neutrality at the FCC. And three months have passed since the President nominated net neutrality champion Gigi Sohn, a member of the EFF board, to the FCC (Sohn will leave the EFF board if she...
EFF lighthouse with a photo of Marc Maron

Podcast Episode: Saving Podcasts from a Patent Troll

Imagine getting a letter in the mail—and then another, and then another—telling you that if you don’t pay $25,000 to a company you’ve never heard of, you’ll have to shut down the small business that you’ve worked for years to build. That’s exactly the situation faced by a group of...


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