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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Cybersecurity Experts Urge EU Lawmakers to Fix Website Authentication Proposal That Puts Internet Users’ Security and Privacy at Risk

SAN FRANCISCO—Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) technologists, along with 36 of the world’s top cybersecurity experts, today urged European lawmakers to reject proposed changes to European Union (EU) regulations for securing electronic payments and other online transactions that will dramatically weaken web security and expose internet users to increased risk of...

multi-colored hands with circuit patterns reach to the sky

Letter to the United Nations to Include Human Rights Safeguards in Proposed Cybercrime Treaty

December 22, 2021H.E. Ms Faouzia Boumaiza MebarkiChairpersonAd Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Criminal PurposesYour Excellency,We, the undersigned organizations and academics, work to protect and advance human rights, online and offline. Efforts to address cybercrime are of concern...

AlHathloul v. DarkMatter Group

EFF is representing prominent Saudi human rights activist Loujain AlHathloul in a lawsuit against spying software maker DarkMatter Group and three of its former executives for illegally hacking her iPhone to secretly track her communications and whereabouts.AlHathloul is among the victims of an illegal spying program created and run by...

EFF at Open Source 101

EFF is proud to support this year's Open Source 101, hosted by a team at All Things Open! Open Source 101 is a one-day conference with the purpose of educating attendees on topics and technologies considered foundational to open source. The conference will feature six 10-minute keynotes and 35 45-minute...

Copyright is Not a Shortcut Around the Constitution’s Anonymous Speech Protections, EFF Tells Court

Anonymous speech is an important protection for those concerned about political or economic retribution, harassment, or even threats to their lives. The shield that protects those speakers’ anonymity in U.S. court is the First Amendment, and applying the appropriate constitutional test during litigation allows a court to appropriately balance the...

ShmooCon from March 24-26

EFF at ShmooCon 2022

EFF is thrilled to finally be back in-person at ShmooCon 2022! Stop by the EFF booth to chat with some of our team and learn about the latest developments in defending digital freedom for all. You can even pick up a special gift as a token of our thanks...

Apple image with crossed security keys in the center

EFF to Court: Security Research Is a Fair Use

We live in a world increasingly governed by technology. Too often, that technology includes security vulnerabilities that could allow malicious actors access to our most important and private information. That’s why it’s so important that security researchers be allowed to do their work without fear that they might infringe copyright...


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