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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Person & cat inside home, surrounded by icons for “smart” tech, computers

Keeping Your Smart Home Secure & Private

Here at EFF, we fight hard to ensure your security and privacy rights are maintained in the digital world. Back when we were founded in 1990, a dream of a world united by the internet was accompanied by forward-thinking visions of connected devices of all kinds making our lives more...


EFF to European Court: Keep Encryption Alive

While encryption has been under attack in recent days, it’s still essential for private and secure electronic communications, especially for human rights defenders and journalists. EFF and our partners recently argued for the essentiality of encryption in a case before the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). In...

person in dress holding an ultrasound screen in front of their abdomen which displays keys, with a rainbox in the background

EFF's Statement on Dobbs Abortion Ruling

Today's decision deprives millions of people of a fundamental right, and also underscores the importance of fair and meaningful protections for data privacy. Everyone deserves to have strong controls over the collection and use of information they necessarily leave behind as they go about their normal activities, like using apps...
A person holding a megaphone that another person speaks through

When “Jawboning” Creates Private Liability

A (Very) Narrow Path to Holding Social Media Companies Legally Liable for Collaborating with Government in Content ModerationFor the last several years we have seen numerous arguments that social media platforms are "state actors" that “must carry” all user speech. According to this argument, they are legally required to publish...

EFF logo with skeleton face by artist Eddie Mize


Join EFF at DEF CON 30! We're excited to be back for another DEF CON with a membership booth in the Vendor area, a contest, and talks.Join the CauseCome find us in the Vendor area talk to us about the latest in online rights, get on our action alert...

baby in crib plays with spying toy blocks

Daycare Apps Are Dangerously Insecure

Last year, several parents at EFF enrolled kids into daycare and were instantly told to download an application for managing their children’s care. Daycare and preschool applications frequently include notifications of feedings, diaper changes, pictures, activities, and which guardian picked-up/dropped-off the child—potentially useful features for overcoming separation anxiety of newly...


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