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Deeplinks Blog

A light bulb with a gear inside represents innovation

Unfinished Live 2022

Join EFF's Cindy Cohn and Cory Doctorow at UNFINISHED LIVE. Unfinished Live is an immersive event exploring the collision of technology, art, ideas, and impact. Over the course of four days, these worlds unite within a live experience focused on building the next generation of the internet. Featuring an action-packed...

The logo of the Electronic Frontier Alliance.

EFF-Austin: An Intro to Digital Accessibility

In this presentation, we will explore the landscape of digital accessibility. What is the current snapshot of accessible design and development, especially after the changes brought about by COVID-19? How might accessibility fit into the EFF and EFF-Austin's work and objectives?
The logo for Portland Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays.

Portland: ShotSpotter / acoustic surveillance community teach-in

Join Portland's Techno-Activism Third Mondays for a two-part event to learn more about ShotSpotter and other gunshot detection systems and forms of acoustic surveillance! Decide for yourself whether this tool might be effective in solving Portland's gun violence problem.


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