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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Copyright: The Testbed for Internet Censorship

Online speech moderation has become an issue of intense debate internationally, with commentators, lawmakers, and technologists calling for major changes in how online platforms operate. People in the copyright space recognize that these debates are nothing new. The same challenges with copyright enforcement online are now beginning to play...

Fireside Chat: Alissa Starzak + Cindy Cohn (EFF)

A special conversation with Cindy Cohn, joined by Alissa Starzak (Head of Public Policy, Cloudflare)Cindy Cohn is the Executive Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. From 2000-2015 she served as EFF’s Legal Director as well as its General Counsel. Ms. Cohn first became involved with EFF in 1993, when EFF...

Hachette v. Internet Archive

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), with co-counsel Morrison Foerster LLP, is defending the Internet Archive against a lawsuit that threatens its Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) program.The Internet Archive is a nonprofit digital library, preserving and providing access to cultural artifacts of all kinds in electronic form. CDL allows people...

hands holding a phone showing a heavily censored news article

The Selective Prosecution of Julian Assange

As the extradition hearing for Wikileaks Editor-in-Chief Julian Assange unfolds, it is increasingly clear that the prosecution of Assange fits into a pattern of governments selectively enforcing laws in order to punish those who provoke their ire. As we see in Assange’s case and in many others before this, computer...


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