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Podcast Episode: The Secret Court Approving Secret Surveillance

Episode 001 of EFF’s How to Fix the InternetJulian Sanchez joins EFF hosts Cindy Cohn and Danny O’Brien as they delve into the problems with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, also known as the FISC or the FISA Court. Sanchez explains how the FISA Court signs off on surveillance of...

Podcast Logo + photo of Gigi

Podcast Episode: Why Does My Internet Suck?

Episode 002 of EFF’s How to Fix the InternetGigi Sohn joins EFF hosts Cindy Cohn and Danny O’Brien as they discuss broadband access in the United States – or the lack thereof. Gigi explains the choices American policymakers and tech companies made that have caused millions to lack access to...

Asleep at the Wheel: Why Didn't Carmakers Prepare for Massachusetts' Right to Repair Law?

The people of Massachusetts demanded their right to repair this month, passing a ballot initiative to allow independent repair shops to access critical information about their cars by an overwhelming 74.9% majority. Now, automakers—whose scare tactics and false privacy and security claims did not fool Massachusetts voters—are expected...

EFF Podcast logo

Introducing “How to Fix the Internet,” a New Podcast from EFF

Today EFF is launching How to Fix the Internet, a new podcast mini-series to examine potential solutions to six ills facing the modern digital landscape. Over the course of 6 episodes, we’ll consider how current tech policy isn’t working well for users and invite experts to join us in imagining...

2020 Open Borders Conference

At the 2020 Open Borders Conference, EFF Senior Investigative Researcher Dave Maass will join a panel on "Silicon Valley and Open Borders." He will discuss EFF's research into technology used at the U.S.-Mexico Border and how data flows between agencies, companies and immigration and border security agencies. What: "Silicon Valley...

CyPurr 2020 Holiday Buyer's Guide to Tech

CyPurr 2020 Holiday Buyer's Guide to TechFrom the Organizers:The holidays are upon us again! And quarantine has not slowed down the oncoming parade of new tech items that might be coming your way this season: IOT, voice-activated home devices, techy toys for the kids...oh my! Join the CyPurr Collective—and EFF's...

SeaGL 2020

SeaGL 2020

EFF is proud to be a supporter of this year's SeaGL virtual conference! This grassroots technical summit is dedicated to spreading awareness and knowledge about free/libre/open source software, hardware, and culture. SeaGL 2020 is free to everyone and will be streamed on various platforms, including...


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