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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

A magnifying glass examines a folder marked "secret"

Our Fight To Prevent Patent Suits From Being Shrouded in Secrecy

The public has a right to know what happens when companies litigate in publicly funded courts. Unfortunately, when it comes to patent cases, companies routinely ignore the public’s rights—for example, by filing entire documents under seal without making any attempt to justify that much secrecy. Even when courts have specific...

Laptop with broken screen

Victory! Maryland Legislature Says Police Must Now Be Trained To Recognize Stalkerware

Maryland's legislature has unanimously passed a bill that will require law enforcement agencies to learn, as part of their standard training, to recognize the common tactics of electronic surveillance and the laws around such activities. This victory will help provide survivors of domestic abuse, intimate partner violence, and other electronic...

EFF at BSidesSF 2022

EFF is excited to be back at BSidesSF 2022 at City View at the Metreon in downtown San Francisco! You'll find us in the expo hall all weekend. Stop by and start or renew a membership and learn about the latest work EFF is doing to protect your digital...

EFF at SCaLE 19x

After two long years, EFF is excited to be returning for the 19th Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE)! You'll find us in the expo hall all weekend. Stop by and start or renew a membership and learn about the latest work EFF is doing to protect your digital rights....


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