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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

How consumers can exercise their rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) gives the state’s residents important rights regarding the personal information that businesses collect about them—information that can be used to determine what offers they receive and the prices or rates they pay, not only for products and services, but for employment, credit, housing and...

The EU Digital Markets Act’s Interoperability Rule Addresses An Important Need, But Raises Difficult Security Problems for Encrypted Messaging

The European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) allows new messaging services to demand interoperability (the ability to exchange messages) from the internet's largest messaging services (like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and iMessage). Interoperability is an important tool to promote competition and prevent monopolists from shutting down user-empowering innovation. But...

Cory Doctorow Demicon 33

EFF Special Advisor Cory Doctorow is the guest of honor at Des Moines's Demicon 33 science fiction convention; his solo presentations and panels include "Computer Technology in SF," "Seize the Means of Computation," "Pay the Writer-Beyond Moar Copyrights!" and "Human Rights/Digital Rights."

EFF at HOPE 2022

EFF is excited to be a part of this year's HOPE! After being away for four years, since 2020 was virtual, we're excited to be in person for A New Hope. Be sure to stop by our booth in the expo hall to learn about the latest developments in...

Black Hat USA 2022 - August 6-11

EFF at Black Hat USA 2022

Join EFF at Black Hat Briefings! After two years of being virtual, we're excited to be in person for this year's Black Hat USA. Be sure to stop by our booth on Black Hat Boulevard (Outside of the Shoreline Hall, Level 2) to learn about...

Caught in the Net Report

Amidst Invasion of Ukraine, Platforms Continue to Erase Critical War Crimes Documentation

When atrocities happen—in Mariupol, Gaza, Kabul, or Christchurch—users and social media companies face a difficult question: how do we handle online content that shows those atrocities? Can and should we differentiate between pro-violence content containing atrocities and documentation by journalists or human rights activists? In a conflict, should platforms take...

EFF to European Court: No Intermediary Liability for Social Media Users

Courts and legislatures around the globe are hotly debating to what degree online intermediaries—the chain of entities that facilitate or support speech on the internet—are liable for the content they help publish. One thing they should not be doing is holding social media users legally responsible for comments posted by...

What Low-Income People Will Lose with a Deadlocked FCC

When the massive, bipartisan infrastructure package passed Congress, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was tasked with ensuring equal access to broadband access services. That provision is called “Digital Discrimination” and it states, for the first time in federal law, that specifically broadband access cannot be built along the lines of...


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