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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

McCain Campaign Staffed By Telecom Immunity Lobbyists

Senator John McCain's presidential campaign has strong connections to the high-powered lobbyists employed by AT&T and other telecommunications companies to escape from responsibility for violations of federal law, with paid lobbyists occupying prominant positions in the upper echelons.
Last fall Newsweek reported on the telecom's "secretive lobbying...

EFF Asks Judge to Block Unmasking of MySpace User

Cook County, IL - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) asked a judge in Illinois Wednesday to reject an attempt to identify an anonymous MySpace user who allegedly posted fake profiles of an Illinois official because the request would violate both the First Amendment and federal statute.
In May, Cicero...

Prince Issues One Takedown Too Many

It's a familiar story: A fan uploads a video shot at a Prince concert to YouTube, and that video promptly disappears the moment Prince's lawyers issue a DMCA takedown notice. It may seem silly to many fans, but the DMCA instructs content hosting sites to respond to copyright complaints by...

Computer Crime Laws Chill Discovery of Customer Privacy Threats

Have you ever wanted to test whether an e-commerce website is keeping your data secure? The federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act -- and state statutes modeled on that law -- are so overbroad and vague that your curiosity could get you in deep legal water. When you access your...

EFF at USENIX Security Symposium

Don't be shy at USENIX Security '08 in San Jose. Stop by EFF's booth!
USENIX Security '08 brings together top researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security of computer systems and networks.
For more information, visit USENIX Security...

EFF at Velocity 2008

Visit the EFF booth at Velocity!
Velocity is the new O'Reilly conference for people building at Internet scale, happening on June 23-24, 2008 at the San Francisco Airport Marriott in Burlingame, California.
For more information, visit Velocity online.


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