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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

DNI and AG Fear Court Ruling on Warrantless Wiretapping

EFF and others have long suspected that one reason the White House and its allies have fought for telecom immunity so fervently has been their fear that a judicial ruling on the legality of telecoms' participation would lead to a ruling rejecting the legality of the Administration's warrantless wiretapping program...

Lee Tien testifies at congressional subcommittee hearing on border searches

EFF Senior Staff Attorney Lee Tien will testify at the hearing on "Laptop Searches and Other Violations of Privacy Faced by Americans Returning from Overseas Travel" scheduled by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution for 9am Wednesday, June 25, 2008 in the Senate Dirksen Office Building,...

House Falls Down on the Job

The House of Representatives today has fallen down on the job. By passing the FISA Amendments Act (293-129, with 105 Democrats in favor), they voted to give this lame duck President an undeserved parting gift by passing immunity for telcoms that helped the President violate the Constitution by participating in...

EFF Urges Judge to Grant New Trial for Jammie Thomas

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and a coalition of consumer and industry groups have asked a judge to grant a new trial to Jammie Thomas, who was hit with a $222,000 judgment in a file-sharing lawsuit based in part on the recording industry's bogus "making available" theory.

House Caves, Approves Fake 'Compromise' on Telecom Immunity

Washington, D.C. - Privacy rights and the rule of law took a serious blow today when the House of Representatives passed blanket retroactive immunity for phone companies that participated in the president's warrantless surveillance program. The FISA Amendments Act, H.R. 6304, which House Leadership rushed to the floor today after...


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