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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Move the Needle: Free Speech Series with The Policy Circle

EFF's Jillian York joins Ranking Digital Rights' Rebecca MacKinnon and Steve DelBianco of NetChoice for a conversation about free expression online hosted by The Policy Circle. The discussion will include:The fundamentals of free speech on social media and how big tech companies control these platforms Public policy reforms for big...

NT4T Panel Discussion: "The University & the Surveillance State"

What role does the University play in facilitating the establishment of the surveillance state? How does funding from military, defense, and corporate actors shape academic research, as well as legitimise state and business practices? How can technology researchers resist powerful actors co-opting their research for surveillance, expanded policing, and military...

Interoperability Gains Support at House Hearing on Big Tech Competition

With a new year and a new Congress, the House of Representatives’ subcommittee covering antitrust has turned its attention to “reviving competition.” On Thursday, the first in a series of hearings was held, focusing on how to help small businesses challenge Big Tech. One very good idea kept coming up,...

fist with key icon over BLM protest photo

Coded Resistance: Freedom Fighting and Communication

It’s nearing the end of Black History Month, and that history is inherently tied to strife, resistance, and organizing related to government surveillance and oppression. Even though programs like COINTELPRO are more well-known now, the other side of these kinds of stories are the ways the Black community has fought...


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