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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

financial censorship

Crowdfunding Legal Fees Is Not a Crime

A piece in USA Today describes how a number of Capitol Hill rioters are utilizing online fundraising platforms to raise funds to cover legal fees, only to find their accounts shut down. This is prompting an online discussion not only about when and how tech companies should shutter online...

Local Franchising, Big Cities, and Fiber Broadband

In 2005, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) made a foundational decision on how broadband competition policy would work with the entry of fiber to the home. In short, the FCC concluded that competition was growing, government policy was unnecessary in deference to market forces, and that the era of communications...

Ethics In Tech Community Night

Join Ethics in Tech this Thursday, April 15, for a night of comedy, presentations, and discussions covering the inhumane business practices of Big Tech, climate change, and the military-industrial complex.

Stupid Patent of the Month: Telehealth Robots Say Goodbye

Before COVID-19, people living in rural and isolated areas urgently needed to access health care services remotely; now we all do. Thanks to decades of innovation in computing and telecommunications, more essential health care services are available electronically than ever before. But there’s no guarantee they will always be as...


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