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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

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Black Hat 2021 discount AP21eff

EFF at Black Hat USA 2021

EFF is excited to once again be a part of Black Hat USA! This year, Black Hat USA is offering a unique hybrid event experience, giving the cybersecurity community a choice on how they wish to join the event. Be sure to stop by our booth in the virtual Business...

The logo of Restore for Fourth Minnesota.

Surveillance Self Defense Workshop

Restore the 4th Minnesota's workshop is an opportunity for activists on the ground to receive personalized attention from security experts and protest veterans. Attendees can expect to walk through the steps they can take before, during, and after a protest that will help maximize their data security while still being...

How Big ISPs Are Trying to Burn California’s $7 Billion Broadband Fund

A month ago, Governor Newsom announced a plan to invest $7 billion of federal rescue funds and state surplus dollars to be mostly invested into public broadband infrastructure meant to serve every California with affordable access to infrastructure ready for 21st century demands. In short, the proposal would empower the...

Standing With Security Researchers Against Misuse of the DMCA

Security research is vital to protecting the computers upon which we all depend, and protecting the people who have integrated electronic devices into their daily lives. To conduct security research, we need to protect the researchers, and allow them the tools to find and fix vulnerabilities. The Digital Millennium Copyright...

A warning sign with a picture of a troll says "do not feed the troll"

Supreme Court Upholds Process to Challenge Bad Patents

The Patent Office grants thousands of patents a year, including many that would be invalidated if a court considered them. These junk patents should never be issued in the first place, but fortunately there is a way to challenge them at the Patent Office rather than wasting the courts’ time...

Image of a skyline of buildings with antennas on them.

Understanding Amazon Sidewalk

Just before the long weekend at the end of May, Amazon announced the release of their Sidewalk mesh network. There are many misconceptions about what it is and what it does, so this article will untangle some of the confusion.It Isn’t Internet SharingMuch of the press about Amazon Sidewalk...

The logo of Restore for Fourth Minnesota.

Surveillance Self Defense Workshop

Taking lessons from our panel discussion on Protesting in the Age of Mass surveillance, this workshop is an opportunity for activists on the ground to receive personalized attention from security experts and protest veterans. Attendees can expect to walk through the steps they can take before, during, and after a...

Introducing Columbia’s DEFRAG Film Festival - Screening + Discussion

Join Columbia University’s DEFRAG Film Festival for a night of film and discussion as we look over the evolution and impact of Hollywood’s portrayal of hacker culture. The event will kick off with a virtual screening of Colossus: The Forbin Project, followed by a panel discussion featuring cyber and tech...


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