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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

PCLOB “Book Report” Fails to Investigate or Tell the Public the Truth About Domestic Mass Surveillance

The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) has concluded its six-year investigation into Executive Order 12333, one of the most sprawling and influential authorities that enables the U.S. government’s mass surveillance programs. The result is a bland, short summary of a classified report, as well as a justified,...

An image of a house receiving fast, reliable internet from underground fiber cables.

A Wide, Diverse Coalition Agrees on What Congress Needs to Do About Our Broadband

A massive number of groups representing interests as diverse as education, agriculture, tech sector, public and private broadband providers, low-income advocacy, workers, and urban and rural community economic development entities came together to ask Congress to be bold in its infrastructure plan. They are asking Congress to tackle the digital...
The logo of the Electronic Frontier Alliance.

87th Texas Legislative Session Roundup

Join EFF-Austin for a roundup of several bills that passed during the 87th regular session of the Texas Legislature that touch upon the domains of technology, surveillance, personally identifying information and data, and digital civil liberties.


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