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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Score Two for Defendants in the P2P Wars

Yesterday saw two important court decisions in the file-sharing wars, both favoring defendants. First, Tanya Andersen, a single mother on a disability pension who successfully fought off allegations of illegal file-sharing, was awarded almost $110,000 in fees and costs. Andersen had insisted she had done nothing illegal, and demanded...

Release the Orphan Works!

Orphan works legislation has returned to Congress, and the controversy surrounding the bill is just as heated as it was the last time around, in 2006. While a broad coalition of libraries, museums, independent filmmakers, public interest groups, and commercial arts organizations such as the RIAA and the MPAA back...

Does NBC Control Your TV?

Reports are coming in of digital video recording systems refusing to record NBC programs - both on digital cable and over-the-air transmissions.We're still investigating whether these involved over-the-air digital TV, which would mean that NBC was the first broadcaster to attempt to revive the abandoned ATSC "broadcast...

EFF at Personal Democracy Forum 2008

Stop by EFF's booth at Personal Democracy Forum 2008 in New York City.
Rose Hall, Jazz at Lincoln Center
Broadway at 60th Street
New York, New York 10023
EFF Members & Subscribers Save $50 at Personal Democracy Forum
Technology and the Internet are changing...

New RSS Feeds

EFF is making some changes to the site's RSS feeds. If you subscribe to with RSS, you've probably been using either our Blog Feed or our Press Release Feed or our Action Alert Feed or some combination of those three. To simplify things, we've consolidated them into one place:...

International issues banner, a colorful graphic of a globe

The Struggles of France's Three Strikes Law

As 2008 began, the international music industry was proudly predicting the dawning of a new age of co-operation between rightsholders, Internet companies and governments. The dynamic new President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, together with Denis Olivennes, the head of France's largest consumer electronics and media retailer, had announced a new...


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