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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Computer Crime Laws Chill Discovery of Customer Privacy Threats

Have you ever wanted to test whether an e-commerce website is keeping your data secure? The federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act -- and state statutes modeled on that law -- are so overbroad and vague that your curiosity could get you in deep legal water. When you access your...

EFF at USENIX Security Symposium

Don't be shy at USENIX Security '08 in San Jose. Stop by EFF's booth!
USENIX Security '08 brings together top researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security of computer systems and networks.
For more information, visit USENIX Security...

EFF at Velocity 2008

Visit the EFF booth at Velocity!
Velocity is the new O'Reilly conference for people building at Internet scale, happening on June 23-24, 2008 at the San Francisco Airport Marriott in Burlingame, California.
For more information, visit Velocity online.

Watching the Detectors

In the absence of NBC or Microsoft coming clean about what they've done -
what flags NBC sent, and what flags Microsoft obeys, we've been doing some detective
work of our own -- and we'd like your help.
NBC have already said that their activation of their...

EFF Blasts New 'Compromise' Offer on Telco Immunity

Washington, D.C. - The latest Republican proposal to amend foreign intelligence surveillance law was announced yesterday by Senator Kit Bond , and included a purported "compromise" on the issue of whether telephone companies that illegally assisted in the government's warrantless wiretapping program should be granted immunity from lawsuits such as...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

B-24 Liberated!

Last month we told you about Lockheed Martin's effort to use trademark infringement claims to cause the removal of digital images of classic military aircraft from TurboSquid, a stock images site. The central mark at issue was the term “B-24,” which Lockheed managed to register as a trademark for...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

John McCain Wouldn't Give the Telcos Immunity if He Were President

Breaking with President Bush and GOP Congressional leadership, presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain said today through one of his representatives that he did not believe that Congress should immunize phone companies from liability for their participation in the NSA's warrantless wiretapping — at least not until Congress has held...


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