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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Raised hands in different colors lined with circuits

Los delitos relacionados con la libertad de expresión deberían quedar excluidos de la propuesta de tratado sobre ciberdelincuencia de la ONU

Los gobiernos deben proteger a las personas contra la ciberdelincuencia, y también deben respetar y proteger los derechos humanos de las personas. Sin embargo, en todo el mundo, los gobiernos abusan habitualmente de las leyes sobre ciberdelincuencia para reprimir los derechos humanos mediante la criminalización de la expresión. Los gobiernos...

Necessary & Proportionate logo

EFF a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: La vigilancia de Colombia sobre el grupo de abogados defensores de los derechos humanos violó el derecho internacional

EFF, Artículo 19, Fundación Karisma y Privacy International, representados por la Clínica Jurídica Internacional de Derechos Humanos de Berkeley, instaron a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos a dictaminar que el marco legal existente en Colombia que regula las actividades de inteligencia y la vigilancia ilegal y arbitraria de...

A magnifying glass examines a folder marked "secret"

La policía de San Francisco es condenada por violar la ley de registros públicos en relación con el reconocimiento facial y los documentos del Centro de Fusión

Por unanimidad, el organismo de apelación de registros públicos de San Francisco dictaminó anoche que el Departamento de Policía de San Francisco (SFPD) violó las leyes estatales y locales al no responder adecuadamente a las solicitudes de documentos de la EFF sobre el reconocimiento facial y la relación del departamento...

An image of a house receiving fast, reliable internet from underground fiber cables.

California’s Broadband Infrastructure Law: Year 1

This event has now passed. You can watch a recorded version on the Internet Archive.California has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to build affordable broadband for communities across the state. Last year, the state passed an historic $6 billion investment in broadband infrastructure that communities can use to bridge the digital...

Community Activists Reach Settlement With Marin County Sheriff for Unlawfully Sharing Drivers’ Locations with Out-Of-State and Federal Agencies

SAN FRANCISCO—Community activists in Northern California today announced a settlement in their lawsuit against the County of Marin and Marin County Sheriff Robert Doyle, whose office illegally made the license plate and location information of local drivers, captured by a network of surveillance cameras, available to hundreds of federal...

Podcast Episode: Wordle and the Web We Need

Where is the internet we were promised? It feels like we’re dominated by megalithic, siloed platforms where users have little or no say over how their data is used and little recourse if they disagree, where direct interaction with users is seen as a bug to be fixed, and where...

CyberLaw Trivia Banner with a multicolored brain

EFF's 14th Annual Cyberlaw Trivia Night

On Thursday, June 16th, the Bay Area's best legal minds gather in support of online freedom as we celebrate our 14th Annual Cyberlaw Trivia Night on Thursday, June 16th!This event brings lawyers from Bay Area firms and tech companies together in the ultimate battle of mastery over privacy, free speech...
Red pin on a map

Massachusetts' Highest Court Upholds Cell Tower Dump Warrant

This blog post was drafted with help from former EFF Legal Intern Emma Hagemann.Massachusetts’ highest court has upheld the collection of mass cell tower data, despite recognizing that this data not only provides investigators with “highly personal and private” information but also has the potential to reveal “the locations, identities,...


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