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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

India Requires Internet Services to Collect and Store Vast Amount of Customer Data, Building a Path to Mass Surveillance

Privacy and online free expression are once again under threat in India, thanks to vaguely worded cybersecurity directions—promulgated by India’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) earlier this year—that impose draconian mass surveillance obligations on internet services, threatening privacy and anonymity and weakening security online.Directions 20(3)/2022 -...


Cómo crear una cuenta en Mastodon y unirse al Fediverso

El reciente caos en Twitter es un recordatorio del hecho de que cuando confías en una plataforma de medios sociales, estás poniendo tu voz, tu privacidad y tu seguridad en manos de las personas que dirigen ese sistema. Mucha gente está buscando a Mastodon como una copia de seguridad o...

Let Data Breach Victims Sue Marriott

A company harvested your personal data, but failed to take basic steps to secure it. So thieves stole it. Now you’ve lost control of your data, and you’re at greater risk of identity theft. But when you sue the negligent company, they say you haven’t really been injured, so you...

Cat Astronaut Soars Through Cyberspace, Leaving a Glowing Rainbow Trail

Coalition of Human Rights, LGBTQ+ Organizations Tell Congress to Oppose the Kids Online Safety Act

Yesterday, nearly 100 organizations have asked Congress not to pass the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), which would “force providers to use invasive filtering and monitoring tools; jeopardize private, secure communications; incentivize increased data collection on children and adults; and undermine the delivery of critical services to minors by...

EFF Releases Images of CBP Surveillance Technology Along the Southern Border

SAN FRANCISCO—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on Tuesday published scores of new photos of surveillance technology recently deployed along the U.S.-Mexico border, depicting a digital dragnet that threatens civil liberties and human rights.“The rapid expansion of digital surveillance along the U.S.-Mexico border doesn’t just affect migrants—it affects anyone living near...

Desde torres de vigilancia hasta dirigibles espía, los investigadores de las fronteras ya pueden usar más de 65 imágenes de tecnología de vigilancia con licencia abierta de la EFF

La frontera entre Estados Unidos y México es uno de los espacios tecnológicos más politizados del país, con líderes de ambos partidos políticos apoyando el gasto masivo en seguridad fronteriza y el llamado "Muro Virtual". Sin embargo, apenas se debaten las consecuencias negativas para los derechos humanos o las libertades...


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