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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

BLM protestors hold phones and bullhorns up

Un año de acción en apoyo del movimiento liderado por negros contra la violencia policial y el racismo

"Las vidas negras importan en las calles. Las vidas negras importan en Internet". Hace un año, la directora ejecutiva de la EFF, Cindy Cohn, compartió estas palabras en la declaración de la EFF sobre los asesinatos policiales de Breonna Taylor y George Floyd. Cindy habló en nombre de todos...

The logo of Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays.

Privacy Workshop Series: Part III - How do we fix privacy?

In this session, AJ Rice will discuss what governments should and shouldn’t do to protect our privacy, evaluating good regulations and bad ones. Rice will also discuss managing trade-offs and what steps we can take individually and collectively to better protect our privacy, as well as provide some privacy-focused tech...
A DNA icon in a circle

Maryland and Montana Pass the Nation’s First Laws Restricting Law Enforcement Access to Genetic Genealogy Databases

Last week, Maryland and Montana passed laws requiring judicial authorization to search consumer DNA databases in criminal investigations. These are welcome and important restrictions on forensic genetic genealogy searching (FGGS)—a law enforcement technique that has become increasingly common and impacts the genetic privacy of millions of Americans.Consumer personal...

Cat Astronaut Soars Through Cyberspace, Leaving a Glowing Rainbow Trail

Security Tips for Online LGBTQ+ Dating

Dating is risky. Aside from the typical worries of possible rejection or lack of romantic chemistry, LGBTQIA people often have added safety considerations to keep in mind. Sometimes staying in the proverbial closet is a matter of personal security. Even if someone is open with their community about being LGBTQ+,...

Cat Astronaut Soars Through Cyberspace, Leaving a Glowing Rainbow Trail

EFF At Home: Pride Edition

This event has passed. You can watch the recording on YouTube, Facebook, or the Internet Archive. Join us Wednesday June 16th for another At Home with EFF livestream. For Pride month, we are discussing the intersection of digital rights and LGBTQ+ liberation with special guests: • ...

Amazon and Big Tech’s Chokehold on Democracy

Amazon and Big Tech’s Chokehold on Democracy PanelWHEN: Wednesday, June 9, 2pm EST; 11 am PSTWHO: Public Citizen (Jane Chung), Free Press (Sandy Fulton), Electronic Frontier Foundation (Hayley Tsukayama), ACLU-WA (Jennifer Lee)WHAT: Amazon is the second-largest individual corporate lobbying spender in the entire country. This panel...


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