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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

FOIA Flashlight

EFF v. USPS - Social media monitoring (iCOP)

The Postal Service has secretly combed through the online expression of social media users, raising concerns about chilling the privacy and expressive activity of internet users. EFF filed a Freedom of Information Action (FOIA) suit to learn more about the program.On April 21, 2021, Yahoo News reported that the...

Law Enforcement Octopus Conference

Council of Europe’s Actions Belie its Pledges to Involve Civil Society in Development of Cross Border Police Powers Treaty

As the Council of Europe’s flawed cross border surveillance treaty moves through its final phases of approval, time is running out to ensure cross-border investigations occur with robust privacy and human rights safeguards in place. The innocuously named “Second Additional Protocol” to the Council of Europe’s (CoE)...


EFF is excited to be a part of another DEF CON! This year's DEF CON will be a hybrid model, with a limited in-person event and online portion as well. EFF will be in the DEF CON Discord chatting with members and answering any questions you might have about...

Venmo Takes Another Step Toward Privacy

As part of a larger redesign, the payment app Venmo has discontinued its public “global” feed. If Venmo and parent company PayPal are taking privacy seriously, the app should make privacy the default, not just an option still buried in the settings.
Necessary & Proportionate logo

En la India, las normas draconianas para las plataformas de Internet amenazan la privacidad de los usuarios y atentan contra el cifrado.

The Indian government’s new Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code (“2021 Rules”) pose huge problems for free expression and Internet users’ privacy. They include dangerous requirements for platforms to identify the origins of messages and pre-screen content, which fundamentally breaks strong encryption for messaging tools.

El proyecto Pegasus revela la necesidad de una verdadera seguridad de los dispositivos, la rendición de cuentas y el resarcimiento de quienes se enfrentan al malware patrocinado por el Estado

EFF has warned for years of the danger of the misuse of powerful state-sponsored malware. Until governments around the world get out of the way and actually support security for all of us, including accountability and redress for victims, these outrages will continue.
Stay Golden: gold hooded figure with wings on back of black t-shirt

Final Day: Connect to a Brighter Internet ☀️

Through Wednesday July 21, anyone can join EFF or renew their membership for as little as $20 and get a pack of issue-focused Digital Freedom Analog Postcards. We made this special-edition snail mail set to further connect you with friends or family, and to help boost the signal for a...


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