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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

California Activists Sue Marin County Sheriff for Illegally Sharing Drivers’ License Plate Data With ICE, CBP and Other Out-of-State Agencies

San Francisco—Community activists in Northern California today sued Marin County Sheriff Robert Doyle for illegally sharing millions of local drivers’ license plates and location data, captured by a network of cameras his office uses, with hundreds of federal and out-of-state agencies—a practice that violates two California laws, endangers the...

ICE and CBP agents use ALPR surveillance on a car

Lagleva v. Marin County Sheriff

On behalf of community activists, we are suing the Marin County Sheriff for illegally sharing the sensitive location information of millions of drivers with out-of-state and federal agencies, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The Sheriff uses automated license plate readers (ALPRs)—high-speed cameras mounted...

Higher Education Seminar: Covering Campus Police

EFF Director of Investigations Dave Maass and former EFF research student Hailey Rodis are joining the Education Writers Association, one of the largest organizations for journalists covering academic matters, for its fall Higher Education Seminar.In the panel, "Covering Campus Safety," reporters will get story ideas and investigation tips from...

Coalition Against Stalkerware Named J.D. Falk Award Winner for Raising Awareness About and Helping Victims of Malicious Spying Apps

San Francisco—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is thrilled to announce that the Coalition Against Stalkerware, co-founded by Cybersecurity Director Eva Galperin and leading antivirus companies and victim support groups, has received the J.D. Falk Award for its work raising awareness, increasing detection, and combating the spread of malware used for...

The angular outline of three faces as a computer might see them, colored like a rainbow

El reconocimiento facial no es sólo identificación y verificación de rostros: También es agrupación de fotos, análisis racial, seguimiento en tiempo real y mucho más

Los gobiernos y las empresas están rastreando nuestra vida con un marcador único que la mayoría de nosotros no puede ocultar ni cambiar: nuestro propio rostro. En todo el país, las comunidades se están oponiendo con leyes que restringen esta peligrosa tecnología. En respuesta, algunos gobiernos y empresas afirman...


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