With the Snowden revelations in 2013 on NSA spying, many who were outraged sought to channel their frustrations first into mobilizing protests against state surveillance, and then into organizing local groups in defense of Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure. From this initial mobilization, Restore the Fourth...
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit affirmed a public school’s punishment of students for speech posted on social media. It was unclear from the lower court proceedings whether the students had posted to social media while on campus or off campus. EFF had urged the...
¿Sabes cómo proteger y prevenir a tu familia de los peligros que se encuentran en la web? Conoce más este Jueves 9 a las 18:00 (México) con Andrés Arrieta Director de Ingeniería de Privacidad del Consumidor.
Episode 104 of EFF’s How to Fix the InternetHow do we make the Internet more secure? Part of the solution is incentives, according to Tarah Wheeler, this week’s guest on EFF’s How to Fix the Internet. As a security researcher with deep experience in the hacker community, Tarah talks about...
STREAMING TODAY: For International Human Rights Day, EFF and AccessNow are bringing together experts and stakeholders in the fields of XR and the human rights community to address the unique risks and challenges the development of these technologies pose from a human rights perspective.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), standing up for public access to courts and transparency in patent litigation, will urge a panel of judges to unseal documents that a notorious patent troll is trying to hide.At a federal appeals court hearing that will be livestreamed, attorney Alexandra H. Moss, Executive...
WASHINGTON, D.C.— On Monday, December 6, at 10 am ET, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), standing up for public access to courts and transparency in patent litigation, will urge a panel of judges to unseal documents that a notorious patent troll is trying to hide. At a federal appeals court...
Los mayores proveedores de conexión de Brasil siguen avanzando hacia una mejor protección de los datos de los clientes y una mayor transparencia sobre sus prácticas de privacidad, según el informe 2021 de InternetLab "¿Quem Defende Seus Dados? " ("¿Quién defiende sus datos?”). El informe, que se publica hoy,...
Veridiana Alimonti is speaking at PrivSecGlobal, the largest data protection, privacy, and security event of 2021, about the Second Additional Protocol of the Budapest Convention and its negative influence in Latin American legal privacy frameworks. PrivSec Global brings together leading experts from around the globe, for a 2-day livestream...
Along with the trove of "Facebook Papers" recently leaked to press outlets was a document that Facebook has, until now, kept intentionally secret: its list of "Dangerous Organizations and Individuals." This list comprises supposed terrorist groups, hate groups, criminal groups, and individuals associated with each, and is used to filter...
In the past few weeks, the Biden Administration has finally moved forward with nominations to the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission. One of those nominees, Gigi Sohn (who, fair disclosure, has been an EFF board member), is testifying right now, and we expect a vote on all...
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