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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Digital Rights Updates with EFFector 34.1

Start the new year right by keeping up with the latest news on your digital rights! Version 34, issue 1 of our EFFector newsletter is out now. Catch up on the latest EFF news, from our celebration of Copyright Week to Google releasing a "disable 2g" feature for new Android...

Human Rights and Web3 for Activists

Amnesty International USA and Fight for the Future present: Human Rights and Web3 for ActivistsThis is the beginning of a monthly salon series inviting human rights organizers and Web3 creators to intentionally shape a human-first future for the web.This first salon, presented by Amnesty International and Fight for the Future,...


DSA: La votación del Parlamento Europeo garantiza una Internet libre, pero un reglamento final debe añadir protecciones más fuertes para la privacidad

El Parlamento Europeo tenía que tomar una importante decisión esta semana sobre la Ley de Servicios Digitales (DSA). Después de meses de considerar las enmiendas, los miembros oscilaron entre varias opciones políticas sobre cómo regular las plataformas en línea, incluyendo la idea distópica de obligar a las plataformas dominantes a...

surveillance cameras spying on protestors

Oral Arguments on Motion for Summary Judgment in Williams v. San Francisco

On Friday, January 21, 2022, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the ACLU of Northern California will ask a California state court to find that the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) violated city law when it used a network of non-city surveillance cameras to spy on Black-led protests in 2020...

A multi-colored bullhorn icon surrounded by grey-blue hexagons

Fact-Checking, COVID-19 Misinformation, and the British Medical Journal

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, authoritative research and publications have been critical in gaining better knowledge of the virus and how to combat it. However, unlike previous pandemics, this one has been further exacerbated by a massive wave of misinformation and disinformation spreading across traditional and online social media.The increasing volume...

Podcast Episode: How Private is Your Bank Account?

Podcast Episode 108Your friends, your medical concerns, your political ideology— financial transactions tell the story of your life in intimate details. But U.S. law has failed to protect this sensitive data from prying eyes. Join EFF’s Cindy Cohn and Danny O’Brien as they talk to Marta Belcher, one of the...

EFF Asks Appeals Court to Rule DMCA Anti-Circumvention Provisions Violate First Amendment

Washington D.C.—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) asked a federal appeals court to block enforcement of onerous copyright rules that violate the First Amendment and criminalize certain speech about technology, preventing researchers, tech innovators, filmmakers, educators, and others from creating and sharing their work.EFF, with co-counsel Wilson Sonsini Goodrich &...

Necessary & Proportionate logo

Cerca de 130 organizaciones de interés público y expertos piden a las Naciones Unidas que incluyan salvaguardas de derechos humanos en la propuesta de tratado sobre ciberdelincuencia de la ONU

(ACTUALIZACIÓN: Debido a la situación actual de la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19), el Comité Ad Hoc no celebrará su primera sesión del 17 al 28 de enero de 2022 en Nueva York, como estaba previsto. Se proporcionará más información a su debido tiempo).EFF y Human Rights Watch, conjuntamente con casi...


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