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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

La EFF y sus socios ante el Tribunal de Apelación del Noveno Circuito: La investigación sobre las represalias de Twitter afecta a los derechos de la Primera Enmienda

La censura no siempre tiene el aspecto de una línea negra en un documento o una orden clara de retirar un contenido. Los sitios web se sienten presionados sin que el gobierno tenga que emitir una directiva clara de que acojan a determinados oradores o difundan determinados contenidos. La Primera...

how to fix the internet with cindy cohn and danny obrien; making hope with adam savage

Podcast Episode: Making Hope, with Adam Savage

The joy of tinkering, making, and sharing is part of the human condition. In modern times, this creative freedom too often is stifled by secrecy as a means of monetization - from non-compete laws to quashing people’s right to repair the products they’ve already paid for.Adam Savage—the maker extraordinaire best...

(Re)Taking Control of Virtual Spaces

The Learning Cooperative presents the first in a new series of events exploring themes of democracy and its increasing absence in online, and offline, spaces.While the creation of the virtual world started as an emancipatory utopian project, ‘cyberspace’ soon started to fall-under, replicate, and accelerate the same oppressive norms and...

¿Quién defiende tus datos?

Estrellas más brillantes y brechas persistentes son la marca del nuevo informe "Quién defiende tus datos" de Paraguay

Los principales proveedores de servicios de banda ancha de Paraguay se comprometieron el año pasado con los usuarios en cuanto a la transparencia de sus políticas de privacidad y a adoptar prácticas de accesibilidad, pero la mayoría se quedó corta a la hora de revelar información sobre las solicitudes gubernamentales...

Google Spying

Google Fights Dragnet Warrant for Users’ Search Histories Overseas While Continuing to Give Data to Police in the U.S.

Google is fighting back against a Brazilian court order to turn over data on all users who searched for specific terms, including the name of a well-known elected official and a busy downtown thoroughfare. (Brief in Portuguese / English*) While we applaud Google for challenging this digital dragnet...

EFF at Home: Copyright for Creators Town Hall on Filter Mandates

If you make and share things online, professionally or for fun, you've been affected by copyright law. Whether you're a YouTube creator, a fanfiction writer, or just interested in watching or sharing "transformative" works (or pretty much any online content), you won't want to miss this town hall on...

lighthouse w/ text: how to fix the internet with cindy cohn and danny obrien; your tax dollars at wo

Podcast Episode: Your Tax Dollars At Work

Democracy means allowing everyday people to have their voices heard on public matters involving their communities. One of the goals of civic technology is to allow a more diverse group of people to have input on government affairs through the use of technology and the internet. Beth Noveck, author of...


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