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Deeplinks Blog

Election Integrity Organizations Ask Judge to Protect Ohio Elections

Lawsuit Remedy Should Permit Secure, Accessible Voting Systems Akron, OH - Organizations focused on election integrity today asked a federal judge to choose secure electronic voting machines with voter-verified paper audit trails as the remedy for a lawsuit challenging the use of punch card and certain kinds of optical scan...

Freedom Fest Is Coming!

Red Hat Sponsors the Fourth Annual EFF Freedom Fest at LinuxWorld August 4 San Francisco, CA - For the past four years, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has been thanking its members for their support with a free outdoor concert called Freedom Fest. This year's event will be bigger and better...

Electronic Frontier Foundation Awarded $131,000 for E-Voting Campaign

Arca Foundation Gives $85,000 Quixote Foundation Gives $21,000 Rockefeller Family Fund Gives $25,000 San Francisco, CA -- The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has been awarded three grants totaling $131,000 for its work leading the national litigation strategy on computerized voting. The first grant of $85,000 is from the Washington, DC-based...

CAPPS II Cancelled

Dept. of Homeland Security Puts Stake in the Heart of Passenger Profiling System Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said yesterday that development of CAPPS II - the government's controversial airline passenger surveillance program – will not continue. As reported by USA Today: Asked Wednesday whether the program could be considered...


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