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Deeplinks Blog

Texas Secretary of State Backs Down

Agrees to Postpone Closed Voting Examiner Meetings in Face of ACLU Lawsuit Austin, TX - The Texas Secretary of State today agreed to indefinitely postpone a meeting of the state's voting examiners following the filing of a lawsuit by the ACLU of Texas and a Texas voter. The Electronic Frontier...

EFF Welcomes Four New Hires

Organization Grows with Addition of Attorneys, Technical, and Membership Staff San Francisco, CA - Today the Electronic Frontier Foundation announced the addition of four new staff members. Kurt Opsahl and Matt Zimmerman join the legal team as staff attorneys, while systems administrator Matt Peterson brings expertise to the technical team...

Sunshine Sought for Texas Election Systems Examiners

Lawsuit Attacks Secrecy of Meetings Where E-voting Machines Are Evaluated Austin, TX - The ACLU of Texas and a Texas voter today filed a lawsuit demanding that the meetings of the state's voting examiners be held in public. The voting examiners are responsible for studying electronic voting machines and other...

Maryland E-Voting Suit Pushes to Decertify Diebold Machines

EFF and National Voter Rights Organizations Support Appeal to State's Highest Court Maryland - Lawyers representing eight Maryland citizens today filed a petition with the state supreme court seeking to decertify or fix Diebold voting machines that computer security experts have deemed insecure. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), working with...

Nose. Camel. Tent.

The FCC is considering whether to impose a "broadcast flag" content protection scheme on digital broadcast radio (a.k.a. DAB or HD Radio). The RIAA is pushing for the flag, which would impose FCC technology mandates on all future digital radio receivers. Apparently, the MPAA's success in getting preemptive...

FCC Permits Innovation...This Time

Following up on our earlier report, looks like the FCC sided with TiVo over Hollywood. With respect to this news, Ernie Miller said it best, aided by the magic of sarcasm:
As has been widely noted, yesterday, the FCC blessed 13 technologies as compliant with the broadcast...

JibJab Files Suit

As has been widely reported, EFF has filed suit on behalf of JibJab to defend the "This Land" animated short. As we reported last week, music publisher Ludlow Music Inc., owner of Woody Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land," had threatened copyright litigation against JibJab. In...

Props to The Carter Family

Turns out Woody Guthrie lifted the melody of "This Land Is Your Land" essentially note-for-note from "When the World's on Fire," a song recorded by country/bluegrass legends, The Carter Family, ten years before Guthrie wrote his classic song. Here's a short snippet (380k mp3) of the song (the song...


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