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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

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Deeplinks Blog

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Don't Let Lame Duck Congress Pass NSA Spying Bills!

On Election Day, Americans fired many members of Congress who wanted to rubberstamp the NSA's illegal surveillance program. But before newly-elected representatives can take office and defend your rights, the president wants to sneak through spying legislation -- including a proposal that could threaten cases like EFF's lawsuit against...

EFF Asks Supreme Court to Tackle Secret Law

Americans Have the Right to See Laws They Must Follow Washington, D.C. - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and a coalition of non-profit organizations asked the U.S. Supreme Court Monday to hear a case challenging a secret law governing travelers in American airports. The case centers on the Transportation Security...

Lowering DRM Flags in Lame Duck?

Variety's Multichannel News reports that the telecommunications reform bill hangs in limbo after last week's election and is unlikely to be at the forefront in the next Congress. The Senate's version had been home to the broadcast and audio flag DRM mandates, so Hollywood and the recording...

Electronic Voting Machine Headaches Shut Out Citizens

Delays Mean Long Lines for Voters in Florida, Utah, and Other States San Francisco - Problems with electronic voting machine failures kept some polls from opening, created long lines, and left many voters puzzled about whether their votes were counted in Tuesday's high stakes election. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF...

Court Grants Appeal in AT&T Spying Case

EFF Battles Effort to Dismiss Surveillance Lawsuit San Francisco - The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals announced today that it will hear the U.S. government's and AT&ampT's appeal of a district court's decision allowing the Electronic Frontier Foundation's (EFF's) case against AT&ampT to go forward. The lawsuit alleges that...

More Irregularities in NJ

Reports from New Jersey suggest that voters have had trouble casting votes for Republican candidate for Senate Tom Kean Jr. "The state's Republican Committee says some of the machines were either preset for Democratic candidate Bob Menendez or were inoperable when people tried to cast votes for the...


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