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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF logo with skeleton face by artist Eddie Mize


Each year at DEF CON, EFF unveils a limited edition EFF member t-shirt with an integrated puzzle for our supporters. And this year we had help from some special friends. Take a guided tour through each piece of the challenge with our intrepid puzzlemasters from the Muppet Liberation Front. Extreme...

It’s Time For A Federal Anti-SLAPP Law To Protect Online Speakers

Our country’s fair and independent courts exist to resolve serious disputes. Unfortunately, some parties abuse the civil litigation process to silence others’ speech, rather than resolve legitimate claims. These types of censorious lawsuits have been dubbed Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, or SLAPPs, and they have been on the rise...

golden EFF AWARDS on dark blue circuit board background

Electronic Frontier Foundation to Present Annual Awards to Alaa Abd El-Fattah, Digital Defense Fund, and Kyle Wiens

SAN FRANCISCO—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is honored to announce that blogger, software developer, activist, and political prisoner Alaa Abd El-Fattah, abortion rights technology organization Digital Defense Fund, and iFixit CEO and co-founder Kyle Wiens will receive the 2022 EFF Awards for their vital work in helping to ensure that...

golden EFF AWARDS on dark blue circuit board background

EFF Awards 2022

For thirty years, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has opened nominations to the public to recognize leaders on the electronic frontier who are extending freedom and innovation in technology. EFF’s annual Pioneer Award Ceremony celebrated the longtime stalwarts working on behalf of technology users...

What Happens on the Headset Stays on the Headset

About this eventThe WebXR Brand Summit is an all-day virtual event with a long list of innovators who will share their insights on the paradigm shift of advertising in the immersive medium. Strategic discussions on a range of topics including Immersive AdTech, V-Commerce, Fashion and Luxury, Branded Events, Making your...

A smart meter alert glows red while cops approach a suburban home

Asian American Liberation Network v. SMUD, et al.

Sacramento’s public-owned utility and police are searching entire zip codes’ worth of people’s private data without any legal authorization or a specific investigation, creating a mass surveillance program that invades the privacy of entire communities.The Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s (SMUD) data sharing with the Sacramento Police Department violates people’s right...

The logo of Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays.

Portland: Trade agreements and your privacy!

Join us this month when Yimei Shao, PNW Regional Organizer for TJEF, will talk about the IPEF international trade deal and how it could impact consumer data privacy, workplace surveillance, and other issues that intersect with labor and technology.


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