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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Fall Members' Speakeasy: San Francisco

EFF members are invited to join EFF staff in-person for a drink on October 27 in San Francisco! Raise a glass with EFF and discover our latest work defending digital freedoms online. This event is a free, casual gathering to give you a chance to mingle with local EFF supporters...

Copyright Troll

Copyright Trolls Target Users in Brazil, Threatening Due Process and Data Protection Rights. Civil Society Groups Are There to Help

Copyright trolls typically don’t produce or distribute content, but instead make money off of copyrighted material by using the threat of litigation to shake down people who allegedly download movies and other content over the internet—a business model that invites harassment and abuse. These entities operate in many countries around...

A town showing many public features (parks, transport, a library) with the backdrop of a circuit board.

Court’s Decision Upholding Disastrous Texas Social Media Law Puts The State, Rather Than Internet Users, in Control of Everyone’s Speech Online

The First Amendment and the freedom of speech and expression it provides has helped make the internet what it is today: a place for diverse communities, support networks, and forums of all stripes to share information and connect people. Individuals and groups exercise their constitutional right to host and moderate...


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