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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Car Repair Bill Highlights Endangered Rights

What do copyright reformers and independent auto mechanics have in common? They're both frustrated by mega-corporations that use digital locks to keep people from fully using the things that they buy. The potential solution, at least for mechanics, is the Motor Vehicle Owner's Right to Repair Act of 2003 (...

DirecTV to Narrow Anti-Piracy Campaign

Satellite TV Giant Will No Longer Prosecute Users for Mere Possession San Francisco and Palo Alto, CA – After discussions with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the Center for Internet and Society (CIS) Cyberlaw Clinic, satellite television giant DirecTV has agreed to modify its nationwide campaign against signal...
Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Enabling Free Speech is Not a Crime

In a victory for the First Amendment rights of Internet users, jurors returned a verdict today acquitting University of Idaho graduate student Sami Omar Al-Hussayen of terrorism charges. Hussayen had been charged in federal court with providing "material support" to terrorists in the form of "expert advice and assistance,"...

Being a Webmaster for Controversial Islamic Websites Not a Crime

Idaho Student Acquitted of Terrorism Charges In a victory for the First Amendment rights of Internet users, jurors returned a verdict today acquitting University of Idaho graduate student Sami Omar Al-Hussayen of terrorism charges. Hussayen had been charged in federal court with providing "material support" to terrorists in the form...

EFF Asks Public to Identify Bad Patents in Patent Busting Contest

Organization Seeking Ten Patents to Challenge The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is calling on the public to help identify patents that are having negative effects on Internet innovation and free expression. As part of EFF's Patent Busting Project, EFF seeks nominations for the ten worst offenders in the world of...

Pro-Consumer Privacy Bill Gets a Hearing

EFF Backs California Senate Bill Protecting Anonymous Speech Online San Francisco and Berkeley, CA - Your employer just laid off 300 of your colleagues without notice and without severance pay. So you go online and post an angry, anonymous comment about it on a Yahoo! message board. Although you could...

Notes from Day Two of WIPO Meetings on the Draft Broadcasting Treaty

Notes from the World Intellectual Property Organization's
Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights meeting, day
2, 8 June 2004.

Impressionistic transcript by Cory Doctorow (, Wendy
Seltzer ( and David Tannenbaum

Public-domain dedication:

On June 8, 2004, Cory Doctorow, Wendy Seltzer and David Tannebaum

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Kyl Bill

Eric Grimm has a grim tale indeed over @ Dave Farber's IP list, describing in frightening, first-hand detail the over-reach that the USA PATRIOT Act currently enables. As Grimm points out, the law can serve as the ultimate blank check for the government -- due to "don't ask,...

Tori Amos and the DMCA

I'm a big Tori Amos fan. This week she released a new live concert DVD, entitled Welcome to Sunny Florida. It's fantastic. Tori has always been one of those "you really don't know till you've heard her live" artists.
So, naturally, I want to get the audio onto...

Maryland Election Officials Under Fire From Voters

EFF Files Brief in Case Challenging the Use of Insecure Diebold E-Voting Machines Maryland - EFF has filed a friend-of-the-court brief in a Maryland case that challenges the integrity of that state's electronic voting machines, which are manufactured by the troubled electronic voting machine company, Diebold Election Systems. EFF presented...


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